A A+B Problem
Given N integers in the range [−50000,50000], how many ways are there to pick three integers ai, aj, ak, such that i, j, k are pairwise distinct and ai+aj=ak? Two ways are different if their ordered triple (i,j,k) of indices are different.
The first line of input consists of a single integer N (1≤N≤200000). The next line consists of N space-separated integers a1,a2,…,aN.
Output an integer representing the number of ways.
Sample Input 1
1 | 4 |
Sample Output 1
1 | 4 |
Sample Input 2
1 | 6 |
Sample Output 2
1 | 10 |
从输入数据中找这样的组合 ( i , j , k ) , 使
num[k]表示(ai,aj)= k的个数。然后将ai = aj的那种重复的去掉。
然后计算当a[i] = k时的(i,j,k)有多少种,很明显就是 num[ a[i]]种,
注意有一种情况是有0的时候,因为有可能会自己加了0也等于ai 。所以要统计一下0有多少个,减了0就可以了,注意(i,j)也是有顺序要求的,(i,j)和(j,i)是2个不同的,所以还要处理有0的时候要乘以2倍。 然后是因为有负数,我们要全部都加上50000变成正数就好了。
- 输入数据,保存在数组a中,输入时记录0的个数(zero)。
- 将每个数字出现的个数保存在num数组中,因为有负数,保存的时候+50000。
- 将数组a排序,a的最大值+50000就是num数组卷积之前的长度。
- 卷积num数组时,长度要增长为一个大于卷积之前长度*2-1的2的整数次幂。
- 由于涉及到复数,将num数组转化为复数数组F,num数组输入到a的最大值处(len1),增长的长度(len1到len)置为0.
- 计算卷积:先用FFT法求加长序列的DFT频谱(执行fft函数后的F数组),再将此时的F数组各项平方,再用IFFT求DFT频谱乘积的逆变换,便得两序列的离散线卷积。
- 将计算卷积之后的F数组的实部返回到num数组中。此时num[k+100000]的值为i+j=k的组数。公式是这样的
。 - 由于i和j不能相同,把数组a中所有元素*2对应位置的num数组卷积-1.
- 用数组a中的元素搜索num数组,将num数组的元素累加,并减去0个数的两倍。如果a中的元素本身是0,减去zero-1的两倍。
- 输出结果。
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The new semester is about to begin, and finding classrooms for orientation activities is always a headache.
There are k classrooms on campus and n proposed activities that need to be assigned a venue. Every proposed activity has specfic starting time si and ending time fi. Any such an activity should take place at one of the classrooms. Any of the k classrooms is big enough to hold any of the proposed activities, and each classroom can hold at most one activity at any time. No two proposed activities can take place at the same classroom at the same time. Even if two proposed activities overlap momentarily (the ending time of one activity equals the starting time another activity), they cannot be assigned to the same classroom.
There are so many proposed activities that there may not be enough classrooms to hold all the activities. It is desirable to have as many activities as possible. At most how many proposed activities can be assigned to the classrooms?
- The first line contains two positive integers n and k (1≤k≤n≤200000 ), representing the number of proposed activities and number of classrooms, respectively.
- The following n lines each contains two positive integers: the ith line among these n lines contains si and fi (1≤si≤fi≤109), indicating the starting time and ending time of proposed activity i
Output an integer indicating the maximum number proposed activities that can be scheduled.
Sample Input 1
1 | 4 2 |
Sample Output 1
1 | 3 |
注:实际存入multiset的是 (-a[i].ed-1),而查找时用的是(-a[i].begin)。因为要使用lower_bound函数,而lower_bound(start,end,k)返回的是集合里大于等于k的第一个数的下标,而题目里面要查找的是 比 开始时间 小的 第一个 结束时间,加个负号就刚好。
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Problem D
Curious Cupid
There are K different languages in the world. Each person speaks one and only one language. There are exactly N single men and N single women.
Cupid, the god of love, wants to match every single man to a single woman, and vice versa. Everybody wants to find a partner who speaks the same language as s/he does. Communication between the couple is very important! Cupid asks these N men to stand in a line, and likewise for the N women. Cupid knows that the ith man speaks language ai and the ith woman speaks language bi.
It is too hard for Cupid to match all people at the same time. What Cupid does is to repeatedly look at some specific interval in these two lines, pick the men and women in that interval and find the maximum number of man-woman pairs who speak the same language and can be matched.
- The first line contains three integers N, M and K (1≤N≤50000,1≤M≤50000,1≤K≤1000000).
- The second line contains N integers a0,a1,a2,…,aN−1, where ai (0≤ai<K) is the language spoken by the ith man.
- The third line contains N integers b0,b1,b2,…,bN−1, where bi (0≤bi<K) is the language spoken by the ith woman.
- In the next M lines, each line contains two integers L and R (0≤L≤R<N), representing the starting and ending index of the interval. That is, Cupid is looking at men L,L+1,…,R and women L,L+1,…,R.
For each interval, print the maximum number of couples Cupid could match.
Sample Input 1
1 | 3 4 2 |
Sample output 1
1 | 1 |
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Problem F
Crazy Driver
In the Linear City, there are N gates arranged in a straight line. The gates are labelled from 1 to N. Between adjacent gates, there is a bidirectional road. Each road takes one hour to travel and has a toll fee. Since the roads are narrow, you can only travel from gates to gates but cannot U-turn between gates.
Crazy driver Gary starts at Gate 1 at time 0 and he wants to drive through Gate N while minimizing the cost of travelling. However, Gate i only allows a car to pass through after a certain time Ti. As Gary is crazy, his car will always be traveling on any one of the roads, i.e., it will not stop at a gate. What is the minimum cost for him to drive through Gate N ?
As an example, consider the sample input below. An optimal solution is the following:
- Gate 1 to Gate 2 (cost 5)
- Gate 2 to Gate 1 (cost 5)
- Gate 1 to Gate 2 to Gate 3 (cost 9)
- Go between Gate 3 and Gate 4 until 7-th hour (cost 6)
- Go to and pass through Gate 5(cost 8)
The first line contains an integer, N(2≤N≤105), the number of gates. The second line has N−1 integers, C1,…,CN−1. Ci (1≤Ci≤106) represents the toll fee of the road between Gate i and Gate i+1. The third line has N integers, T1,…,TN. Ti (0≤Ti≤106) represents the opening time (in hour) for each gate. T1 will always be 0.
Output an integer representing the minimum cost of traveling.
Sample Input 1
1 | 5 |
Sample output 1
1 | 33 |
题意:n个门编号1~n,从门i到i+1有一条双向通路,每条路花费的时间都是1小时,每条路花的路费分别是Ci, 每个门开的时刻分别是Ti,一个司机从门1开到门n,中间不停车,即如果到达门i的时候门没开就必须往返于前面的路上直到门开的时刻,问到门n最少花多少路费。
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Problem G
k-Colouring of a Graph
You are given a simple graph with N nodes and M edges. The graph has the special property that any connected component of size s contains no more than s+2 edges. You are also given two integers k and P. Find the number of k-colourings of the graph, modulo P.
Recall that a simple graph is an undirected graph with no self loops and no repeated edges. A k-colouring of a graph is a way to assign to each node of the graph exactly one of k colours, such that if edge (u,v) is present in the graph, then u and v receive different colors.
The first line of input consists of four integers, N,M,k, and P (1≤N≤50000, 0≤M≤1.5N, 1≤k≤109, 1≤P≤2⋅109). The next M lines of input each contains a pair of integers A and B (1≤A≤N, 1≤B≤N), describing an edge in the graph connecting nodes A and B.
Output the number of k-colourings of the given graph, modulo P.
Sample Input 1
1 | 3 3 2 10000 |
Sample output 1
1 | 0 |
Sample Input 2
1 | 3 3 4 13 |
Sample output 2
1 | 11 |
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##UPDATE 时隔一年之后群里问了这题,qls说是bell(6)暴力枚举三条非树边六个节点的颜色,然后树DP。 复习阶段 好像搞不动 先鸽着。